I like what I do besides my work

Basically this is my rant on things besides my work.

Location: Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Slime Sealant

I was thinking a way to puncture proof my tyre for commuting purpose. As I shop around in Ace Hardware, Tmn Melawati, I found guess what??? Slime Sealant, the goo that you pour into the tube. Just a few days ago I was reading www.commutebybike.com on how to pour that goo into presta valve tube. Maybe it is just a chain of event that lead to my finding of the Slime.

However, I managed to ruin two used tubes before I managed to succesfully pour the slime into the tubes and reinflated them. The furst one, with 3 puncture patches already, was ruin when I try to to reinstall the nut on the pin. I did not nip off the screw at first as I read there are others who did it without needing to nip off the top. But when I try to screww it backon, I ruin the pin until it could not fall back into the the valve. Cut the tube and collect the slime already poured inside it into its bottle. Tried to screw the nut, it's okay. Proceed to fill the slime.... halfway done...then... I lost the pin. I tried to feel for it inside the tube but could not find it. Another tube thrown away.

After that i was more carefull. Manage to install the tyres filled with Slime. I cycled to work already with the new setup. Somehow I feel rather at ease believing that my tyres now are puncture proof, well at least from small sharp objects or road debris.

Hoping to long period of not needing to change tube due to puncture now.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Why aren't there many locals who commutes by bike?

From my observation, in Kuala Lumpur, there are not that many locals who cycle to work. Those who cycle are mostly from the lower income bracket or foreign labours. The pattern seems to show that cycling to work is only for those whose can't afford other forms of transportation.

I do ask around the office and some of my friends why they do not want to cycle to work? Majority of them use heat and humidity as their main excuses. There's no denying that one will sweat heaps cycling in Malaysia, being direct under the equator. It does get uncomfortable since the sweat doesn't dry out as quickly as in countires with four seasons where it is less humid.

But, from what I see, a lot of workplace have restroom where one can shower before changing to workcloth. When I say shower, I mean proper bath where you can rinse your whole body with running water, not just wiping yourself with wet sponge.

Perhaps another reason is that one can get cheap motorbike in Malaysia (the small cc bike) or locally known as "kapchai". Even the courier use these bikes. I can tell you that the possibility of a bicycle courier company to survive in KL is slim since the "kapchai" is much faster for weaving through city traffic.

Maybe I am just the lucky few Malaysian who took up bicycle commuting during my university days in Melbourne and loves the freedom it gives.

Well til then.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Joy of cycling

If any of you have read my previous post would've know that I was off my bikes for quite some time, almost a month by now due to gout attack.

Well, today I managed to go out for a spin on the roadie and tested the brooks above.. It is still hard, well of course, it has not been broken in yet. But it is not that uncomfortable as some has made it out for a new brooks. It just feel as good as other plastic base saddle but without the extra foam pinching where there are not suppose to.

One more thing, it seems the wheather is changing to rainy season again. It did make me afraid for the brooks leather. But I have put some plastic at the bottom and it save the underside from water spray. I don't cover the top while riding since my butt is big enough to cover the whole lot! Hahahahaha...

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

BANG!!!!! There goes my car....

Well... this about about my for wheels... slightly off topic, but it affect my two wheeling though.

Last Thursday I was driving with my wife to get some groceries. On the way the is a junction for people to cross from opposite direction into our left side. Nearing the junction, I saw there was already a 4WD waiting to cross the road. So I took precaution and slow down but continue on my way. As I was nearing the junction, a Perodua Kembara jump the que and overtake the 4WD and dashed across the road. I could not do anything else but slammed the brakes and tried to steer the car but it was too close...BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our car came to a halt and the Kembara made a 180 degree stoppie.. Lucky there is steel railing to stop her from falling over into a monsoon drain beside the road.

None were injured. She came out of her Kembara and apologise, admit her wrong and agreed to claim from her insurance company. Her Kembara suffers minor knock but my car..... just see the picture. After lodging my police report and sent my car to the workshop, I went home.

The thing that tick me off is now my wife do not have a car to drive to work. So I have to sent and fetch her every working day, not that I mind, but this means I could not cycle commute till the car is back. Arghh!!!!!! I was just getting the hang of cycle commuting now this.

But in hindsight, I guess it is just a blessing in disguise so that I can allow my ankle to heal properly first after the bout with gout for the past 2 weeks. In fact it still swelling today.

Well, thats life I suppose....



Thursday, February 01, 2007


I'm bored.... not being able to ride my bike for more than a week now since the gout attack. I know I'll be off the bike at least another 2-3 days now. Its not that I am needing a break from cycling or anything like it, I'm actually beginning to enjoy more of cycling to work. It has been almost three months now since I got the roadbike. A couple of colleagues noticed that I've lost some weight. Actually not that much but the I look toner now.

Well... since I'm in front of the computer almost 80% of the time at home, I surf some video hosting website and saw this street bike bloopers. Funny in a way but painful.. here's the link.

I also did some research on the internet regarding gout. It seems many people in the world has this problem, be it they are active or not. The worst thing is it won't go away but can be avoided subject to change in diet and taking medications. Perhaps I should just try a couple of the home remedies suggested.

