I like what I do besides my work

Basically this is my rant on things besides my work.

Location: Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

Thursday, July 05, 2007


After a couple of months of on and off commuting, this week I had finally managed to cycle all the way up the Ukay Perdana without stopping until I reached the house. So now my trip home from work is cut down by 15 minutes. Plus my cycling shoes now can last much longer since I don't have to walk the rough road up the hill.

It was tiring though, but I seems to recover much faster now. Perhaps the fitness level is up now. One thing for sure, I bet when I go for downhill ride on weekends I will be able to enjoy more of the time by actually riding than just sit around.

There is one drawback though. Although I like the feel of the B17, my nuts seems to go to sleep after the climb. The LBS owner suggest to me about setting up the saddle a bit pointing down should I do a lot of climbing. However, the B17 has yet to be broken. Thus its nose is still pointing a bit up a little bit because if its pointing down, I'll be sliding forward all the time while cycling. I reckon I need to "cheat" in breaking in the saddle. I have started to rub sweat directly onto the saddle and rub in some extra Proofide. Hopefully this will help to soften the saddle. I might also start to use the damp towel trick. I guess age of the saddle do play a bit in making it hard to be broken in. It's older than me!!! Maybe the leather has dry out so much that now it need much more TLC . Don't get me wrong, I like the feel and my butt is not complaining, its just the sleepy nut part.

I have also just added a rear rack to the bike. it s just the cheapo type which requires some retro fitting using metal bracket from the hardware store. It is strong enough to hold the weight of my bags for the daily commute, but I don't think it can hold the load for touring. Anyway, not a concern since I don't think I'll be doing any touring anytime soon. At first it feels weird with the load is concentrated at the back. I hope it will fell natural after a while.

Enough rant for today. Tomorrow another day for commuting. Cao.

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