I like what I do besides my work

Basically this is my rant on things besides my work.

Location: Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

Monday, September 24, 2012

I am back!!.... again...

It has been more than 2 years since my last post. Nothing much change. Oh, by the way there was a new addition to my family.  My daughter was born 30 November 2010.  Cheeky and bubbly little girls she is now.

Eldest son, Luqman, is now in Standard 1 at Al Amin KL.  Yesterday he had his first jogathon.  1.5 km.  Not that far, but enough to work him out. I volunteered as one of the marshall along the route.  Too bad I got the senior route, so I did not get to watch him run.

Raziq, my number two, is making a lot of progress since starting brain training early this year.  It is in USJ.  Astara Point.  A lot of words are coming out, and he can express himself more now.

I have also restarted cycling.  Since no time for squash and calisthenics sometimes do bore me, I had to find one thing that interest me.  Lucky me I haven't sold it yet.  The Brooks B17 and my sit bone are getting proper breaking in again.  After 1 week, it started to feel good again.  Love the saddle.  If only I have more disposable income, I would love to get the Swallow Honey.  But then, I better upgrade the bike first befre getting it.  My bike now worth as much as the Honey Swallow.

Well, actually, I got pumped up after watching "Premium Rush".  Since I am not gonna be spending more money for bike now, I just dust off the hybrid and ride it mostly in one gear only.  Maybe I'll save enough to get myself one of the fixie.  Droollll....


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