I like what I do besides my work

Basically this is my rant on things besides my work.

Location: Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Golfer's elbow

One week. That how long I have been suffering from this pain. It started with something that feels like sore muscle two weeks ago. I continued playing squash, thinking it is just something that would go away. But on that friday games, I could not even hit the ball hard or hit any volley off the front wall ball without winching. It did force me to change the way I play though. I played a slower game with more lob. Nice way to play when you are tired. But after 2 games, my hand just could not take it anymore.

The next morning, I couldn't fully straighten or fully bend my right hand. Movement at the elbow is restricted. And I could not put any weight on it. Even placing the hand down was causing me problem.

I started to bandage my elbow since then. It seems to work in reducing the pain. But after a while, it seems that the elbow is lock in place. Perhaps, restricting the movement had caused the muscle to stiffen. Then I got myself the elbow band. It does help to relief pain especially when I have to lift something. The theory is it distribute the stress to all the muscle and tendon surrounding the injury evenly.

Well, tonight I got myself a massage. Ouch.. It hurts so much for a while, but after a while the stiff muscle around the elbow become softer and the pain subsides. So, tomorrow morning we'll see whether it reduce the elbow pain.

