BANG!!!!! There goes my car....

Well... this about about my for wheels... slightly off topic, but it affect my two wheeling though.
Last Thursday I was driving with my wife to get some groceries. On the way the is a junction for people to cross from opposite direction into our left side. Nearing the junction, I saw there was already a 4WD waiting to cross the road. So I took precaution and slow down but continue on my way. As I was nearing the junction, a Perodua Kembara jump the que and overtake the 4WD and dashed across the road. I could not do anything else but slammed the brakes and tried to steer the car but it was too close...BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our car came to a halt and the Kembara made a 180 degree stoppie.. Lucky there is steel railing to stop her from falling over into a monsoon drain beside the road.
None were injured. She came out of her Kembara and apologise, admit her wrong and agreed to claim from her insurance company. Her Kembara suffers minor knock but my car..... just see the picture. After lodging my police report and sent my car to the workshop, I went home.
The thing that tick me off is now my wife do not have a car to drive to work. So I have to sent and fetch her every working day, not that I mind, but this means I could not cycle commute till the car is back. Arghh!!!!!! I was just getting the hang of cycle commuting now this.
But in hindsight, I guess it is just a blessing in disguise so that I can allow my ankle to heal properly first after the bout with gout for the past 2 weeks. In fact it still swelling today.
Well, thats life I suppose....
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