I like what I do besides my work

Basically this is my rant on things besides my work.

Location: Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

Friday, January 19, 2007

3 puncture in one ride......

Today I was suppose to ride with another office mate who just started to commute by bicycle to work. He will only cycle on friday for now. I was suppose to lead him on the ride home today.
But, it turns out he was there today to accompany me while I change and repair my front wheel for 3 times on the way home.

Can you believe it? First it was a snake bite I think. My mistake cause I forgot that the skinny road tyre can actually fit into the opening of the gutter cover. I can hear the "clunk" sound. How I wish I was on the MTB that moment.

The puncture wasn't immediate. After about 1.5 km into our commute home, I feel the front wobble. Damn! The tyre was flat. At least I thought it was a good chance to show my friend how to change a tube. After a while we're off again.

But after another 3 km... again! Damn!... the front tyre flatted again. This time I don't know what's the cause. Lucky, I thought, I carried the puncture repair kit. So there again we sit on the sidewalk repairing my puncture. After about 20 minutes, we're off again.

All seems good until about another 6km. The front wobble again. Shit! I give up. How bad can it be. Not even 15 km yet and I had 3 punctures. I just apologise to my friend and asked him to continue his ride since it was getting dark. I then called my wife to pick me up.

Now I'm thinking of getting a fatter tyre for the roadbike. Perhaps a 25c, maybe that can handle the rough road better for my weight.




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